Monday, February 20, 2012

THIS MEANS WAR - morality on trial

This Means War is one of those safe action romcoms that are overproduced. This film is targeted towards couples that will be out for Valentine's Day - it promises hot stars, explosions, love, sex and comedy. What else could one want? Perhaps a touch of realism would be nice - this film is pure fantasy but what upsets me about it is the thoughts it encourages towards the youth of the world.

I ask, is it fine to date two people at once? Is it fine to knowingly compete with a friend for a woman who has no knowledge of the deception? Is it fine to be attracted to a cute guy with no clout? Is it fine to love a hot guy with no morality? Is it fine to laugh about it and forgive each other in the end? This movie will no doubt make certain females feel that they always deserve more or someone better. There are many points in this movie that I could discuss on the disgusting nature of these characters, however, I will just note that the morality displayed is repugnant and disingenuous throughout. 

I know it is just a fantasy and most films play with reality to make it seem as real as possible. It's truly amazing the amount of deception a film can convey while the viewer has no clue he's being deceived. I am fascinated by this and am in constant awe of why I am believing something on screen that I would never believe 5 minutes after I exit the theater. Anyway, the film has some comedic value and the Pine vs Hardy dynamic work quite well. Fun for a minute and then you think - what the hell am I subjecting myself to?

Recommended Viewing: Grosse Point Blank - Romancing The Stone - True Lies

              Bob Scale: Objective: 5.0   -   Subjective: 5.5
             MetaCritic: 33
 Rotten Tomatoes: 26
                      IMDB: 6.4

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